I thought we needed a thread.

The biggest news so far is Disney announced a 3+ year film hiatus. All current FILM projects are on hold for 3 years or more after IX. "We want Star Wars to be special. We realized that after Solo. We made a mistake. We will take a pause, some time, and reset because the Skywalker saga comes to an end with this ninth movie. There will be other Stars Wars movies, but there will be a bit of a hiatus."

Noami Ackie's character is named Jannah. R2 and BB-8 beeped her out when she was asked if she's Lando's kid.

Finn will be more confident and a full-fledged fighter ... Phasma might still be alive.

Colbert was given the title and trailer to prep his questions. He's asking a lot of romance-related questions.