I kinda loved this issue.

I loved that Kurt, upon finding out about TJ's existence, didn't conclude it must be a trick. Didn't wash his hands of this kid he'd never known existed. He reached out for that human connection and decided to find this child just because she might be his.

I loved Megan reminding Kurt of all the ways looking for TJ could go wrong, but still having the integrity to stand beside him because the rules of love shouldn't be bent just for her and not others. I also loved that she brought her Rom heritage into it and drew the parallel between her old life's and Kurt's.

I loved the Cuckoos knowing damn well Kurt was up to something, but respecting his privacy and choosing to back him anyway because he'd always stood up for them.

I just loved that despite the fact that this could bring everything good in their lives to a crashing halt, the outsiders of their group rallied around Kurt because he'd always been good to them. McGuire so gets the appeal of Nightcrawler as a character, and I would happily pay out $$$ every month for her to do an Excalibur revival.