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  1. #46
    Extraordinary Member
    Join Date
    Apr 2014


    Quote Originally Posted by Calighoula View Post
    His new line is "I can do this all the time."
    Welp...Peggy don't gotta worry

  2. #47
    Incredible Member
    Join Date
    May 2014


    Anyone else get the thought that the Avengers gave themselves a massive headache? In a fingersnap they doubled the population everywhere. Just with Earth think of the problems. Shelter shouldn't be too much of a problem, even after 5 years any empty buildings would probably be in fair shape (especially in the desert regions with little weather changes) but how will they be able to feed everyone? After 5 years any surplus food will have been used up and there wouldn't be much stocked up, certainly not enough to feed twice as many mouths now.

    Only solution I see to help with this problem is to get Pym to start cranking out Pym particles by the barrel and zapping all the food they can. Imagine hamburgers the size of dinner tables and loaves of bread the size of buses. Can you eat food zapped with these particles? What happens when someone eats them? Do they start shrinking at will?

    And where exactly do these people come back to? If they come back to the spot where they were 'dusted' there is going to be a lot of hit and runs with people suddenly showing up in the middle of the streets and highways.

    And for the people that were 'dusted' no time will have passed at all for them so they'll come back with the world being 5 years older and their jobs suddenly being filled with someone else and the spouses that survived possibly being remarried to someone else.

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