Quote Originally Posted by grampagen View Post
Once the ship stabilized, there was little more to do but wait until they all could return home. Held and Jinzi would be busy on the bridge for some time, and in the windowless halls of the Coldlight, there wasn't entirely too much to do.

This thing sure can cruise, Zaofan thought to himself, lot of utility in its design. Perhaps it was his brief stint as a thief that left him wary, but as he scanned his head right, he saw a long, metallic hallway that stretched from hold to hull; swivelllng far left, from hold to engine.

Still the sleekness of these hallways - and the brisk, cold air that brushed over way too much of his skin than was comfortable - caused him to question what exactly was it a GP Officer ought to do between point A and point B? All business, this place. What a shame. Bounding up on tattered soles beneath his feet, Zaofan began to walk around searching for...something to do. Automated doors slid open noiselessly; a tap on the wall revealed a generous number of latrines. Still, after all that fighting he could use a meal.

In one of the many rooms that look uncannily like the others, he found two things that were at last familiar: a white apron - they weren't...pants, but they would do - a standing refrigerator. At last! He tugged on the handle, narrowed his eyes to the white lights to reveal-

"Hetap?" Rows and rows of yellow and blue cans lined the fridge from top to bottom. "Must be a rough life in the Force," he mused aloud. Sliding his fingers over the length of a highlighted control panel, with a press a drawer slid open. Cold to the touch, its contents lay amid cold fog...rows and rows of foil packets, each with a brightly coloured label written in some space-language he couldn't read. Figures.

Tearing one open, he surveyed its contents. Some spongy thing flecked in red, covered in brown sauce set in a tray next to some white stuff. I have no idea what this is. Dabbing his finger into it, Zaofan sampled the cold sauce. ...but it's not bad. I wonder...

Trilling sounded out from the far wall, and as he felt the heat radiate from it, he found a source of heat. Again the symbols were a cryptic mess, but somehow the layout for this convection microwave oven was familiar enough.

The doors to the bridge slid open. Zaofan, still dressed in the apron, pushed a hovering mealcart between the aisles of those gathered between pilots, navigators and others.

"How about a bite to eat? Got to keep up your strength, after all."

Whatever he had found in cold storage had been made a sight more...presentable, than preserved sections on an inlaid tray.

"Did a little digging, and found something! It's not much, but should see us through the next few hours!"

I still have no idea what any of this is.

"We also have a selection of uh...Hetap and water."
Jinzi immediately downs a Hetap and sighs contentedly before opening another and grabbing so food.

“You’re a lifesaver, Zaofan. Thanks.”