With Eva sleeping calmly, Dash left the room. Heading towards the kitchen, she hoped to grab a quick bite fo food before returning to watch over the Guardian when she ran into Praxat.

Quote Originally Posted by bruceleegreyhulk View Post
Later Praxat is with Dash," Dash can I tell you something it's about Charco. I know he's going through something. I really want to help him, but I don't know how. I'm not even sure if I can," Praxat said as her skin turn a subtle blue that isn't detectable by any race that has a color vision on the range of a human.

" He probably thinks I'm cold and distant, but that's not true. I'm under stress right now, and when I'm under stress and faced with a situation. I'm not sure I can handle I turn to science. I use science as a coping mechanism," Praxat said.
"Oh? Ah don't know much 'bout Charco aside from what Cyanna has said. What's that all about?" Dash then mused, "Ah wonder if it has anythin to do with Cyanna's sudden desire to train."