Silence, then through the entire facility a rumble and explosion is heard.

Marsheb, held in suspension, takes the majority of Ishtar’s wrath. The beam punching down and through the fused Oni, before breaking against Baric’s humanoid head, torso, and horseback before continuing on.

On and on the beam went, plowing through the two and into the crater facility, punching down through layer after layer, level level until it finally tapers off some five hundred feat below where Sasheem had started fighting Baric. Ishtar managed to go through about half the facility it seems.

The two rooms, where the Oni and demon had been fighting, are both pretty badly wrecked from the shockwaves the beam caused, but all her allies have survived, if a bit burned or bruised.

Of the fused Oni, only a shimmering black clawed arm remains, its features drawing light in as it rests softly in a corner.

Baric, however.........

Perhaps because Marsheb took the brunt of it, half the demon remains. That is, it’s rear legs and it’s horse head and it’s sword in the corner. Which, to everyone’s surprise, is still alive. Even now tendrils of rit and fetid odor extend between the two portions and the sword, drawing them together as the demon slowly begins to put itself into some semblance of mobility and togetherness.