Well... literally the biggest supporting character to not have a thread already. Metropolis carries almost everything despite our main character being able to fly out of the solar system on a whim. Superman's sandbox is whole universe but here's enough to keep him. To be honest the wiki is a pretty complete resource
But here are some highlights to get us going:

Location: historically we've seen Metropolis vaguely inspired by Toronto and Cleveland, two major cities of its creators. Originally Metropolis was named as a New York city, similar to how Batman debuted as a New Yorker and not a Gothamite. Though both share similarities with Chicagoland, and Metropolis Illinois was honored by D.C. in 1972, later affirmations would place Metropolis in Delware across from Gotham in New Jersey. Metropolis being generally close to Washington, where Pete Ross and Lex Luthor would end up. Gotham seems, as some have pointed out, much like Hudson county with Wayne Manor maybe in Bergen. That would ruin the idea of them being across from each other, but I was personally never crazy about that anyway. Metropolis was shown to be in a canyon on another map, which is a little crazy but we are talking about the home of Superman. The city of tomorrow right?

Neighborhoods: of the six boroughs, New Troy is central. Bakerline is most prominently shown in the story of Pete Shoemaker where Perry has ties in Queensland Park. Little Africa was the pre crisis neighborhood for blacks, where Little Qurac was a middle eastern neighborhood later. Chinatown is Chinatown. Hob's Bay, known as the infamous "Suicide Slum." Hypersector was later capitalized on by Lex, although he had to contend with Odett's private land. Midvale was just called the outskirts pre crisis, later it was 60 miles from Metropolis in its NW section.

Residency: Lois and Clark of New Troy. At 344 Clinton st, you have Nathan Warbow, Jon Slaughter, Martin Thorpe, and Andrea. In an undisclosed part of presumably the same borough, you had Mrs Nyxly as a landlord. Later we saw Lee Lambert and Dante Rodriguez. Lois has lived alone and with roommates; Kristin, Julie, Lori Lemaris and... Marsha Mallow. Perry is a Slum kid who is now at home at Queensland while Jimmy is from Bakerline. Bibbo won millions but is still in Hob's Bay with the likes of Jose Delgado. Dave Stevens and Davood Nassur stood out from their crowds in Little Africa and Little Qurac, while Linda Lee was tied to Midvale. Past noted figures include Edna Luthor and Jeremiah Galloway. I wish DC tapped me about doing a Gangs of New York style story with Edna. Before Superman the city had Franks Stern and Berkowitz, Perry, Jim Harper, and inspector/ previous commissioner Bill Henderson as strong positive figures, while Vincent Edge and a younger Lex played for the other side.

Funny things: while Steve Lombard was quarterback of the Meteors, Lex owns the NBA team, the Monarchs. Newstime building is LA city hall. Maggie Sawyer's SCU series was the first from a major comics publisher to feature an out lesbian, and won a 1996 GLAAD award.