Quote Originally Posted by exile001 View Post
The sad fact is that Titans, as we think of it (Dick, Donna, Garth, etc), doesn't have a real hook other than our attachment to a book that ended 25 odd years ago and characters whose relevance is equally faded. It sucks, I know, but every attempt to try to recapture that magic has failed. Dick struggles to maintain a decent book despite being the first Robin, and easily the most marketable.

DC has tried for two decades to make a Titans reunion successful. It never is. That lightning can't be put back in the bottle and attempts to do so only highlight how inferior the new attempt(s) looks. Even when a reunion looks like it might be successful for five seconds it doesn't last.

I dont agree with Dick struggling to hold a solo though; even now, a year into this horrible Ric stuff, he's outselling a bunch of books. He's not even the lowest selling Bat-title, last I knew. Nightwing is actually a really stable mid-level seller no matter what kind of crap DC pulls with it. The fact that sales are as low as they are now......it's taken a lot of effort on DC's part to drive the book down this low. Any other character would've been canned due to low sales by this point. Nightwing is a pure beast in the fandom, and apparently we dont die easy.

But other than that, yeah I agree with you. You want the NTT to matter again? Stop trying to copy what Wolfman did!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! You know why Superman can fight the same six villains for eighty years and it's okay, but the NTT can't do the same thing? Because the success of the NTT was largely wrapped up in the development and growth of its roster; a phenomena rarely seen in the Big 2. You can't take a book who's premise was all about growing up (and actually showing that), freeze it in amber, and expect it to still be successful, because it'll lose the thing that made it special in the first place.

Instead of doing another Wolfman rehash, ask yourselves what a bunch of professionals in their middle 20's are doing. Then, instead of having the NTT fight Slade again and talk about how special their friendship is, do that.