Quote Originally Posted by Ascended View Post
I didnt think this was a bad issue, and it definitely had some incredible moments that I really enjoyed, but overall I feel like this was one of the weaker single issues Bendis has done during this run.

All the stuff Superlad mentioned; the super-speed conversation, the tactical way Clark handled the conflict and his diplomacy, Jon's reaction to seeing his dad go to work.....all of that stuff was excellent and I am still impressed at how Bendis employs Clark's powers and finds interesting ways to utilize them. But I feel like I went into this big space battle with very little understanding of why it was happening at all, and left the issue without getting many (if any) answers.

Zaar remains a painfully boring villain. I was willing to give Bendis some time to tease the guy out and reveal whatever hidden layers he's got but my patience is starting to wear thin here. I'm digging the Phantom Zone alliance and I look forward to that cooperation imploding (as it always does with villains) but I'm losing my patience with Zaar. If Bendis doesnt give us some revelations about the guy real soon, I'm not going to care when he does finally uncover any deeper characterization and layers Zaar might have.

I dont read Supergirl either, so her appearance, while welcome, was confusing. I knew she was out in space hunting down stuff about Zaar and I knew she had Krypto with her, but what's the deal with the big rock? I feel like a few panels explaining what she's been up to would've been nice.

Usually I'm not bothered by how decompressed and trade-focused Bendis' writing is. I mean, these days everyone writes that way. But this issue felt like it was spinning its wheels a lot more than usual.
Yeah next issue better tell us what Zaar’s deal is because so far he’s just been a slightly smarter Doomsday. Give me a reason to care. Superlad’s theory about Zaar being half-Kryptonian would peak my interest a little.