There was a bit of discussion last time about how Nextgen has had the best pacing of the AoXM books. I think that stays true for this issue as well - for a book where there's relatively little action in the typical superhero sense, Brisson and To manage to impart quite a bit of urgency to the overall plot. Armor, Glob, and Rockslide are in a "trust no one" situation at this point, as one friend seems to have entirely thrown in with radicals, another has ratted them out to the authorities, and now Dept X has found Glob's diary and knows he's aware that everything the X-Men stand for is built on lies.

Oh yes. And Anole just blew up the Hope Summers Memorial library. "Yikes" doesn't really cover it.

Really good showing this month. To's art continues to be a major strength here - his characters are expressive, he illustrates Brisson's humorous touches wonderfully, and he's just doing an all-around great job. I really hope we see him getting more work at Marvel.