Quote Originally Posted by nx01a View Post
Picard was an angry old man disillusioned with and separated from what gave his life meaning. 7 was betrayed by the first person she truly loved, leading to the torture porn disfiguring of her 'son' and her being forced to mercy kill him. Deanna and Riker lost a son after a long and horrible illness. The Romulans were disenfranchised refugees. Mars was wiped clean of life by the synths. Jurati murdered her former lover then tried to kill herself. Rafi was a drug-addicted conspiracy theorist living in a trailer, rejected by her son. Rios was a drunk, emotionally scarred loner disillusioned with Starfleet. The treatment of the XBs by the Romulans...

I'm sure I'm missing things but there was little positive in s1 for me. I genuinely hope it improves in s2.
Those are all heavy aspects of the series and I wasn't a fan of all of them. But I guess it didn't seem as hopeless as the whole Federation falling apart