This list is part speculation and part wishlist, but I've tried to fill in the blanks best I can. Whatever Hickman throws our way in House of X and Powers of 10 will undoubtedly shake-up the X-World and may result in a very different X-Line than we've had in the past. I'm beyond excited for the next chapter and it can't come soon enough. I went to the effort of divvying up mutants (core, supporting and antagonistic) into my speculated books, just for the sake of it.

Uncanny X-Men by Jonathan Hickman & Dennis Weaver.
Jean Grey, Storm, Cyclops, Wolverine, Emma Frost, Magneto, Archangel, Beast, Xorn, Exodus

New X-Men by Jonathan Hickman & Russell Dauterman.
Sunspot, Cannonball, Monet, Dani Moonstar, Magik, Jubilee

Mighty X-Men by Kieron Gillen & Oliver Coipel.
Rogue, Gambit, Iceman, Sunfire, Polaris, Bishop, Danger, Northstar, Frenzy

Excalibur by Jim Zub & Pepe Larraz.
Psylocke, Nightcrawler, Kitty, Captain Britain, Meggan, Kylun, Faiza Hussain

X-Factor by Matthew Rosenberg & RB Silva.
Havok, Multiple Man, Dazzler, Juggernaut, Cypher, Dark Beast

X-Force by Gail Simone & Pere Perez.
Cable, Domino, Shatterstar, Boom-Boom, Warpath, Kwannon, Marrow

NextGen by Kelly Thompson & Marcus To.
Armor, Glob, Pixie, Shark-Girl, Rockslide, Surge, Anole

Wolverine by Ed Brisson & Mike Deodato Jr.
Logan, Sabretooth, X-23, Gabby, Mariko, Silver Samurai, Shogun

Emma Frost by Leah Williams & Mahmud Asrar.
Emma Frost, Mystique, Christian Frost, Banshee, Hellion, Selene

Storm by Ta-Nehisi Coates & Jen Bartel.
Ororo, Manifold, Gentle