Quote Originally Posted by Revolutionary_Jack View Post
And people are acting as if Harry Osborn's death and the lead-up to that would have been the same in ASM as in Spec. if JMD had migrated there. The reason JMD was able to get that deep into Harry Osborn in the pages of Spectacular is precisely because of it being a satellite story where Peter doesn't have to always be the center. That wouldn't work consistently in the main title.

And again Harry Osborn had been long neglected and faded into obscurity in the main titles by then. Flash Thompson btw was Peter's best man at his wedding and not Harry...and Flash was the guy who told Peter to get married in the mini-bachelor's party they had in the Wedding Annual. Had it not been for JMD's stories, Harry would likely just have been some loose end and remained forgotten.
And to those saying JMS forgot/ignored the supporting cast, some evidence:
Issue 37: Peter calls Aunt Anna to check on May.
Issue 40: Aunt May visits J. Jonah Jameson and cancels her subscription to the Bugle because she knows Peter is Spidey.
Issue 47: Jonah once again shows up looking at the news story with Shathra telling lies about Peter.
Issue 49: Mary Jane is met in Peter's apartment hallway by Caryn (A character introduced in Paul Jenkins' run! She's even wearing her signature purple.)
Issue 500: Past versions of JJJ, Betty, and Gwen are shown.

Need I go on?