Quote Originally Posted by Sergard View Post
You have a strange definition of sarcasm. Using every opportunity to downgrade Jason is not sarcasm. I call that hate.
And I'm not going to argue with you about Jason's depiction since New52. I'm pretty sure there is nothing Jason could ever do so that his change would feel earned for you. Maybe dying a cruel death (again).
Hate Jason all you want, that's not my point. But your behavior here in the forum sucks. We all have our favorites and we all have characters that we don't like that much. But we all write in the same forum, so for the sake of harmony is it really too much to ask that you keep your little hate outbursts to a minimum?
Sarcasm and snark go hand in hand for me so I generally say one when I mean one or the other or both, generally both. I have pretty much nothing but apathy towards Jason's current depiction and a lot of characters right now so you can say I hate most things then lol. I'm not the one having an outburst. I haven't talked about Jason in any real detail in months outside of the whole Robins being placed in generic categories and him showing up in NTT. Again you avoided all my points and actual discussion just to attack me. It's cool if you want to do that but don't act like you're taking some high road or something. Go police your own posts, and I'll police mine.

Anyway back on topic, this whole thing spun out of the idea that Roy is Leviathan which is just some fan theory. Doesn't seem that concrete to me and just doesn't fit Roy. I could see Roy maybe punching or kicking the crap out of some of the people that caused his death (hero and/or villain alike) or were neglectful but I can't see him go full on super villain. He is smart enough to pull something like this off I will say that. Roy is the kinda guy who would immediately go get a drink or his favorite food after coming back from the dead before doing anything important. He's an abrasive guy with a heart of gold who will like to take care of himself if he has the time. Leviathan seems like too much work on Roy's already changed New 52/Rebirth version to be changed so much more again. DC does have the habit right now of just applying personalities to whomever they chose to fit whatever so I could be wrong. The guy I love reading about wouldn't do this ,just like Wally wouldn't kill himself, or Donna become a sometimes evil Xena knockoff alcoholic, etc. It seems like I don't know these characters anymore and that has me seriously worried for the future.