I really liked Grant Morrison's Batman run
then when it ended I read Scott Snyder's and I like it a lot
and then I read and still read Kings run and I like it too

Am I the only one?

I ask this because I notice a lot of negativity that comes from threads of Kings run, I dont enter into many discussions here, however I dont see them as new. I clearly remember reading the exact same things about Snyder
that he was the worst writer to ever touch batman
he ruined him forever
really? this March guy looks just like Bruce, WTH Capullo, you suck!!

and Morrison was not different
what the hell, a kid, for batman
OMG what is he is snoring now
What am I reading!!!(this last one is still valid for FC7)

I of course have my own critisisms on these runs But I never thought that they were ruining the character or that they werent entertaining for the least.

I really dislike some of the deconstruction aspects that Morrison did to batman, I think he could had been more straightforward and I never really liked his take on the Joker very much but I liked Dr Hurt even less, just never stoke me as a big villain and his motivation just wasnt very clear to me.

I think Snyder had a bad habit on trying to reform to many aspects of Batman that some didnt hit, like the new origins for Mr Freeze and Hush were completely unnesesary for example
basically if it wasnt broken dont try to fix it
and his Death of the Family was an overall weak story for what was a pretty good concept

King's pacing is pretty bad, some stories move too slow while others move too quick, Knightmares should had been 4 issues at the most not 8, but I overall liked the idea.

The biggest flaw that I have seen in other Batman writers is that I read an story and I felt that I have read it before, like it didnt leave a mark on the characters or on the world. they become forgettable after some time.
I can honestly say that neither of the 3 main writers of the past 15 years have make that mistake.