Quote Originally Posted by lemonpeace View Post
Yet, still a better mentor to Wallace than Barry. He shot straight it with him, gave him somewhere to belong when Damian put him out, and gave him the experience and cynicism needed to be a more competent individual, as opposed to Barry who (despite my love for the character) rarely ever could get it together mentoring Wallace. In the rankings of Wallace's mentors

1. Meena
2. Slade
3. Wally (very limited interactions and only gave him one real lesson)
4. Himself
5. Barry

But as I said earlier, this could very much just be indicative of the competence of the writers when handling the character. Priest tends to write a more compelling Wallace as opposed to Williamson who for whatever reason just doesn't seem to have the voice for Wallace that doesn't come off stereotypical and/or angsty.
Although his first interaction with Wallace was lying and manipulating him .

I think, rather then ranking them, each mentor Wallace has had have taught him something in his road to becoming a hero.

Meena taught him how to control his powers when he first started out.

Slade taught him new ways to apply his powers and about the "real" world.

Wally taught him to believe in himself and what it means to be Kid Flash.

Barry taught him what it means to be a hero.