Quote Originally Posted by spirit2011 View Post
every retcon after Morrison's run

He is not wrong. Maybe if X-men writers stop to think about it, the franchise wouldn't be so low now.

but his timing is wrong, now seems like every villain can play hero and that isn't a good look
Not every "villain" is playing the hero. The X-Men are composed of all kinds of characters, many of whom have dark histories and unsavory pasts. No X-Man is a pure angel. Xavier was always creepy, predatory, secretive, manipulative, and definitely not 100% a hero. The X-Men are not dualistic. The characters aren't two-dimensional. The concept isn't binary. There is no way to divide the characters into "heroes" and "villains" just like in real-life. The characters range on a continuum. Some worse than others, some more purely heroic than others.