We all have people to blame for the Thanos Snap from happening in Infinity War: Thor, Starlord and maybe even Tony for his Ego, but What about Captain America ?

I say this to Marvel fans as Captain America's beliefs clashed with Tony's willingness to keep the Avengers together and look what happen. My favorite moment in Avengers Endgame came at the start when Tony called Steve out for his past actions and how it was partly his fault that things got this way. Yes Tony has his Ego, Thor has his emotional quest for Vengeance, Hulk and Banner are on the outs and Starlord....is Still a child in a way, but what about Steve ?

I think that in both Infinity War and Endgame you could not help but see how Tony and Steve try to influence each other even when they're apart. Yet when each tried to act like the other...it ended in failure.

Yes Steve admitted that Tony was right about the previous arguments, but it was too little too late for it all. One has to wonder was Captain America also to blame for the snap from happening in a way and how he still didn't get it post 5 years later with the ideal Time heist, before Stark came into help ??

How much blame do you place Captain America in when it comes to the Snap ?