Quote Originally Posted by Adekis View Post
I mean frankly, that explanation doesn't really make sense in the DCU. Lesser higher powers than whatever you might see at the Dawn of Creation "rub elbows" with humans all the time, and the ones that look down upon us are easily classified as megalomaniacs. The Source gets off in my opinion because it isn't a being, but the wellspring of Being, but if you ascribe too much agency too it, and it becomes too restrictive and too judgmental to humans, it starts to just look like a really big Super-Villain to me. So, you know, don't ascribe that kind of agency or judgment to it, obviously. Easy fix.

Because in the DCU, the best treatment for megalomaniacs with phenomenal cosmic power who consider themselves higher beings? Is for an uppity lesser being like Superman or Hal Jordan to stare it down and knock it the hell out. I mean, for example, certain unsympathetic Guardians pretty much fit that description, Krona included. If the main difference between Krona and the "higher power" is weight class, pure and simple, then I might actually be on Krona's side just out of principle, at least in that particular fight.

And, you know, again, the danger of getting too advanced or powerful isn't that it's just inherently wrong, it's that the powerful might misuse their power to hurt the weak.
The Guardians, Hal, & Superman are not omnipotent. Even the Spectre can be defeated. No matter how much power you wield, someone will always have more. Sometimes, folks need to be happy with what they have, especially when they have more than others. It was Krona who unleashed evil upon the universe, and created the multiverse. He had power, and immortality, yet none of that was enough. He was greedy. He was already god-like, but wanted more. Had Krona stayed in his lane, none of that would have happened. The universe would be singular, and perhaps a paradise for all. To make up for his screw-up, his people became the Guardians (for better & for worse).

His actions created a huge domino effect. I'm not one to subscribe to a higher power, but I do appreciate the need for checks and balances. A person's need for more can blind them to the dangers they inadvertently create. Krona was already living in the garden of Eden, yet his greedy arse swallowed that apple whole.

I am all for pushing the boundaries of science, especially if it can improve upon the quality of life. However, people like Krona do so for selfish reasons, and personal gain.

I still think some folks need to stay in their lanes.