Quote Originally Posted by Rincewind View Post
Well anyone can say something silly. Creative people can say something silly. Hugely talented artistic visionaries can say something silly.

Have you ever read the initial story conference between George Lucas, Steven Spielberg, and Lawrence Kasdan for Raider of the Lost Ark? Take a few minutes


There are so many silly, stupid, or even downright bad ideas that were thrown out there. But part of the creative process is going over different ideas, even silly ones, to figure out the best version possible.

Alonso made a comment that you may feel is silly. But nothing in this thread actually spells out the comment made.

Please take into account:
1. The comment was made 2 years ago.
2. Her comments were part of the press junket for Captain Marvel, the actual quote was less than 60 seconds in response to a vague question.
3. The comments have nothing to do with any concrete plans for the X-Men either in print or movie adaptions.
4. The comments were off the cuff general statements, not a dogma she was spouting.

The only reason this is being talked about is Alonso is being promoted in Marvel Studios and the BS alt right clickbait sites are trying to create an outrage.

If you think what she said 2 years ago was silly, that's your opinion. People can reasonably agree or disagree.

If you are using this quote to criticize Marvel/Marvel Studios/Disney while ignoring her actual career and contributions, then you are intellectually dishonest and borderline irrational.
The internet loves to obsess about silly things people say, often from way longer than two years ago. Have you meet the internet before?