We've got another month to kill until the Hickman relaunch. It's being billed as the beginning of a new era and a shift in direction comparable to the start of the Claremont era in 1975 and of Morrison's run in 2001.

What's left unfinished from the current era?* What plot danglers have been left hanging? What storylines, character conflicts, relationships, and other matters remain unresolved?** What stories do you wish Marvel had followed up on? As a reader, what closure have you not gotten?

*For the purposes of this thread, I'm defining the "current era" quite broadly i.e. as all the way back to the beginning of Morrison's run. This is because IMO many of the overall themes, baseline characterizations, and big storylines have their roots in his run. Post-Morrison writers have tended to derive their understanding of the franchise and the main characters from the template he laid down rather than from what came before him.

**Obviously, there are the current storylines still underway such as Age of X-Man and Rosenberg's Uncanny run. Other threads exist to cover those so we don't need to discuss them here.