Quote Originally Posted by Ascended View Post
I dont think they'd adapt ET. I mean, Kyle sold well and rivaled Hal in popularity and all that for many years, but Hal's been back longer than Kyle was the sole Lantern and even when Kyle was at the height of his popularity, most people agreed ET was an awfully executed story (even Kyle fans usually knew that ET was poorly done). I think if anything gets adapted it'll be from Johns' run; Blackest Night, Sinestro Corps War, etc.

I cant totally rule out a ET adaptation in one of those direct-to-DvD animated things, but even then I doubt they'd go in that direction. And those are pretty easy to ignore anyway.
I think it was Bruce Timm who said they would never have been able to do Parallax on GL:TAS like it was in the comic.

But I think the thing with ET is that now, with hindsight, it's connected to Green Lantern: Rebirth so I'm not sure if you could adapt one without the other now unless you were just doing it to get rid of Hal.