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  1. #1
    Astonishing Member
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    May 2014

    Default Man and Superman by Marv Wolfman


    Just read it. Was pretty good! Not quiet the best origin story we've got, but a pretty interesting take. In many ways, its closer to the tone and feel of Batman: Year One than Superman: Year One is, ironically enough.

    I think the actual plot involving terrorism in Metropolis and Lex Luthor's involvement was handled in a pretty clumsy fashion. But Clark's initial fumbling attempts at heroism and Lois Lane's determination and the fact that she ultimately inspires Clark to not give up even before he really gets started were elements that really worked. More so than any previous origin, this one really sold me on why Clark wants to be a journalist, and how much that job at the Daily Planet means to him, beyond just giving him a 'civilian life'.

    There was a pretty conspicuous political subtext to the story - one that does hark back to the immediate post-9/11 years when it was written. We get the whole liberty vs. security debate and its none too subtle. But also, having Clark actually work a menial job and have lower class and immigrant co-workers was an interesting idea to explore, one which I don't think we've really seen before. I kinda like the idea that Superman truly can look out for the little guy because he's lived life for a bit as the little guy and understands his perspective. Clark's experiences will no doubt also help him showcase the perspective of the common man in his journalism.

    I suppose its possible this MIGHT have been meant to be Superman's new origin after IC. At one point, Superman Confidential was intended to be the book that established the new continuity, but that idea pretty quickly fell through. Wolfman claims in his foreword that the story wasn't published back in 2009 both because of the cancellation of Confidential and because of the complicated continuity situation. I'm guessing it could have been meant as the new story behind Superman's debut, but then Secret Origin came along...Which I suppose is just as well, because stuff like Clark and Lex knowing each other in Smallville and the Legion just wouldn't fit into this version.

  2. #2


    I actually liked Man and Superman better than Secret Origins. I think it fits well with the Post Crisis story as well as modernizing it.

  3. #3
    Father Son Kamehameha < Kuwagaton's Avatar
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    May 2014


    In some ways it's hard for me to call it an origin, as it touches on very little. But it was a cool story with very interesting art. Wolfman has a writing style that ages very well, the dialogue is modern without overextending. Clark is pretty melodramatic but it illustrates motivation behind the development of putting his altruism into action.

    I'd be happiest with it if it was the second act of a three part origin. Like how Byrne did four mini series to make the whole picture, it would be nice if we saw the AoS wtiter get his flipside.
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