Quote Originally Posted by Somecrazyaussie View Post
I've felt for a longtime that Kindred might actually be Dennis Carradine. Because Kindred has ties to Quentin and has obviously singled him out from all the other deceased villains he could have resurrected for a reason. The pair of them were involved in a storyline that ran between 198 and 200.

He also has some history with Fisk. Fisk and the Burglar also appeared in an issue prior to that in 197.

He also has attacked Peter personally by having Mysterio fake her death and he also tied up Peter with the intention to kill him. He also killed Uncle Ben.

Peter confronted The Burglar as Spider-man in 200. He hounded and tormented him in order to get revenge on him for what he did. Peter revealed his identity to him and told him how The Burglar was responsible for him becoming who he is as a hero. The shock of that knowledge caused him to die from a heart attack. Peter didn't hang around either. He just set off a fire alarm and left the body to be discovered.

The Burglar was unrepentant in life. So he would have ended up in hell.

Peter also, at one point, dated his daughter.

But the big tell is Kindred saying, "You and me. The way it should have been from the beginning." The Burglar was there at the beginning.

The Burglar is a mirror to Peter. He represents his selfishness and failure. Hunted was all about holding a mirror up to Peter. It showed him being forced to take action and do something he didn't want to do. The situation with the Burglar is the reverse, because it highlights what happens when Peter choses inaction.

Also, wasn't the loot he was originally after at the Parker residence eaten by silverfish and other insects. That money is what drove the Burglar. Finding it was his main goal. The insects in this look more like Silverfish.
Yes, Jessica. But it was Ben Reilly who dated her.