Quote Originally Posted by Rosebunse View Post
Interesting you bring it up. It feels much more genuine with Bobby, especially since he probably isn't 100% sure the kid is real. Nate was basically stroking his own ego while Bobby really does just want to help that poor kid who probably thinks he's about to be arrested.
Same sort of situation with Jubilee helping out Nezumi and X-Man helping some rando mutant after they fell in a frozen lake. One has an actual messiah complex and believes it’s a necessity to play God, while the other is doing something out of pure empathy for their situation. Even if it may not end up mattering in the end, the X-Men are still helping mutants out of the goodness of their hearts even if they’re pissed that they’ve spent three or four months in a “fake” world away from their loved ones.

Quote Originally Posted by jwatson View Post
It makes sense to me in the sense that these are the 616 characters. They weren't diverged into an alternate reality they were all literally on a higher plane. Like Nate created a heaven in the 616 and they were there. So for all intents and purposes when they return it'll be kind of like they all really came back from the dead.
Makes sense, Nate vaporized them from the Earth and all he had was their collective essence. He created a new way for them to exist and have a life, but they’re practically dead by “universe standards.” Hell, even the new mutants introduced in the Age of X-Men are really just 616 mutants. They just got a living upgrade and that upgrade is living in the baby of Nate Grey and the Life Seed.

Quote Originally Posted by Blackphoenix View Post
So....this Life Seed just happened to find Nate?? What a crock. This entire "event" was a mistake.
They may explain it in this issue.