Hey all. I just wanted to get your opinions on this particular topic. Indeed, I think many people will say that Superman is a very inspiring character. He inspires people to be their best and hope for a better world. My question is why is Superman like this? A couple of years ago, I tried to articulate this to a couple of friends and I found myself stumbling for an answer.

Is it his powers? Yes, Superman has flight, super-strength, super-senses, and energy projection, but dozens of characters, comic book or otherwise, have these same abilities. Yet for some reason, scenes like this are way more awe-inspiring than Iron Man, Green Lantern, or Hawkman taking flight:

Indeed, the argument many critics have is that he ISN'T in the realm of the attainable. Train and work hard and you too can become Batman. No matter how much training we do, we'll never fly like Superman. So, why is that Superman makes some people believe they can?

Is it Superman's belief in hope? A lot of heroes are rooted in hope. Reaching deep down, believing and fighting for a better tomorrow, Spider-Man and Captain America do that. So, why is it so potent with Superman?

Now, I've read articles online here and there about this. One of the arguments I've heard as to why he's inspirational is that he isn't born out of tragedy. Yes, he lost his world, but it wasn't a motivating factor in him becoming a hero. Batman and Spider-Man, tragedy motivates them to be heroes. For Superman, he just does it because he wants to. There is this innate sense of goodness for all. Is that the only reason he's an inspiration?

Any thoughts on this would be appreciated! Thanks in advance!