There was an interesting question elsewhere but whether any Marvel Team-Up stories are acknowledged to be among the best/ greatest ever.

It does seem that there are two separate questions, although the answer to both might be no.

The first is whether there are any MTU stories that are widely regarded as among the character's best. This doesn't appear to be the case. Most "Best of" lists don't have anything from any of the runs. Hell, here's a Top 50.

That's still a bit different from whether any of the character's best stories are in MTU. Many of us might argue that there are one or two stories that deserve much higher reputations. It could be that these stories are more obscure so they don't get the attention necessary to be part of a critical consensus even if on a craft level your favorite MTU story might be on the level of the Harry Osborn drugs trilogy or the Alien Costume saga.

But it does seem that there's a lack of impact of Marvel Team-Up.

Do you guys agree? And why might this be so?