One of my neighbors, who also happens to be my g/f's aunt, noticed that a local cemetery was starting to look pretty bad. Overgrowth on all of the headstones, weeds growing all over, broken tree limbs hanging half off trees, etc. So she went to the local government, who told her that they didn't have the money to clean the place up. This concerned my neighbor, especially as she has a few relatives buried in the cemetery. So she set up a Gofundme campaign and raised $440. She also encouraged several of us in the neighborhood, via facebook, to help out. She spent some of the money on refreshments for us today, while we went about cleaning up the cemetery ourselves. A few guys brought lawnmowers and weedwackers. Several of us moved tree branches and pulled weeds.

Finally, my neighbor, who started the project, posted before and after photos on facebook. The cemetery looks 100% better than it did before. Just an example of what a community can do when we come together for a good cause.