Quote Originally Posted by capandkirby View Post
I’m curious what this means as well, I’ve not heard the term before.

Yeah, I remember that panel. One of Reed’s alternative realities where Civil War went differently if I’m not mistaken? I love Steve and it wouldn’t matter to me who he dated: male, female, them/they, alien, just so long as he’s happy. And I totally get, representation-wise, why it would be important to have a major character come out as LGBTQ, I just draw the line at him ending up with someone he practically raised. As a parent my immediate response to that is “no way”. Granted you’d have to be a comics reader to get why I’m upset by the idea and as you mentioned most who ship that pair probably aren’t. In the MCU they were the same age, too, they took Arnie Roth’s background and gave it to Bucky. I can’t turn it off though, my frame of reference for Cap is 616, even when watching the MCU I’m automatically kind of knee-jerk seeing Steve through that lense and comparing, so yeah any pair but that one. And I only mentioned that pair to begin with because, at least on Twitter, that group seems the most upset by Steve’s ending in Endgame. Or, at least, the most vocal about it.
That was the one, yeah. No wonder a lot of fans, and even some in-universe characters like Moon Knight, were equating Civil War to a marital spat between Steve and Tony. In fact, one particular scene in one of the tie-ins where Steve and Tony had one last argument sometime before the final battle had Steve accusing Tony of manipulating Peter (Parker)'s need for a father figure to influence Peter into siding with him in a way that sounded very familiar to just about anyone who ever had to deal with divorcing parents. As for MCU Bucky being a fusion of Ultimate Bucky and Arnie Roth from Steve's backstory in the 616 comics, that does make a lot of sense in retrospect.

Quote Originally Posted by Ichijinijisanji View Post
Thanks for the information. Very enlightening, but very disturbingly so.