As the new line ups dropped this week-end I was super excited for the leaked titles: Fallen Angels and X-Force sounded like good possibilities for Siryn to reappear after the 6th consecutive year in limbo and sidelined by the Morrigan storyline.

It didn't happen. After Rosenberg claiming that he wanted to use her (after having read half his run and having seen the reviews I am pretty happy he didn't get to write her as part of his pointless torture porn run) and the never realized X-Men Green almost all hope is now lost again.

Black Tom back on X-Force could be a last straw to hold onto, considering some of his best appearances had Terry involved.

But given how freaking Zombie Banshee could not care less for his lost daughter, this seems like a far stretch. (SPOILER QUESTION: isn't he gone again or what did I read about him?)

I guess that does not bode well for my favourite character in comics.