So, back a few years, even when X-Men kinda went off the rails because of Marvel trying to crush the property in favor of Inumans, even though I backed out of some of the X-books at the time, I still had a soft rule to keep up with the Gen X kids that remained. So, Monet, Penance, Jubes, Jono and Paige.

And during that time (and after), one thing became demonstrably and consistently clear: Jono and Jubes were in it for the long haul. Whatever random bullshit they were each individually going through, even up to and including them each being literally depowered of their mutancy, they would stick together. see Jubilee joining a UK-based team...and Jono isn't on it, seems like a profound oversight by the editors, Hickman, or some damn body.

My concern is that since they've slapped someone without any pedigree whatsoever onto Excalibur (it's basically the Gen X relaunch all over again, which was a dismal failure), we have another case of "I saw the X-Men 90s cartoon...which of those X-Men can I use? Jubilee, Gambit and Rogue? Cool, I can work with that."

I mostly don't care if the writers want to screw up 90% of the X-Men. You can BASICALLY get Gambit and Rogue and Cyclops and Jean and Wolverine and the rest right if you have a general idea about their characterization. But these B characters like Rockslide and Dust and Anole and Monet and Chamber and X23 and even Jubilee -- they rely a lot more on very small subplots. They don't always get to dig their teeth into the main storytline threads of the X-books and big marvel events. So for writers to get these characters right...they have to really, really want to give a shit. I mean, we see what happens to X23 from book to book. We see random writers just writing Jubilee as "90s Mall rat" persona. And this announcement of the lineup gave me all the feelings that all the decades of Chamber and Jubilee friendship building is basically being tossed for "I watched the X-Men cartoon when I was a kid!"