For a long time, the films have completely ignored the TV series set in the MCU. This changed a bit in Endgame, as Steve Rogers returned with Sharon Carter (who had appeared in his first film, but still...), and James D'Arcy appeared as Jarvis. Yes, a character from a TV series, that had never been in a film before that (I talk about Edwin Jarvis, not the J.A.R.V.I.S. AI). Unfortunately, the scene of Tony Stark talking with father Howard Stark did not feature Dominic Cooper, the Howard Stark of the Agent Carter series (that would have been awesome!), but with Carter herself and Jarvis we had quite much.

Also, the Captain Marvel film saw Phil Coulson again. The film is set in the past, so the modern Agents of Shield were not there, but hey, it was Coulson's return to the big screen since his "Death" in the Avengers and the start of the series.

So... I know that we shouldn't expect much, and probably none of those will ever happen, but someone can dream. Who else should have a cameo at some film?