Thinking about it, those two films have quite a few points in common.

1) Surtur and Freeze appear at the beginning and they get defeated but then cause serious damage at the end. (Surtur destroying Asgard while Freeze freezes Gotham).

2) campy female main villain (Hela and Poison Ivy)

3) A stupid giant (Bane and Hulk)

4) Main character rescued by new female hero (Valkerye and Batgirl)

5) Father/father figure of the hero dying (Odin and Alfred)

6) Moronic supporting characters

7) Badass main character turned into a campy goofball. (Thor and Batman)

Basically makes me wonder why everyone hates B&R but loves Ragnarok. Also another reason why i'm not a fan of the MCU version of Thor, while being a big fan of his 616 counterpart.