I've been reading and catching up on Ta-Nehesi Coates' current Black Panther run and I found myself really enjoying it. Everyone knows Marvel has a much more fleshed out cosmic landscape that DC but, between this and Cosmic Ghost Rider, recently they've done this interesting approach of taking non-cosmic heroes and recontextualizing them from a cosmic sci-fi angle. So it got me thinking, If you could take a non-cosmic hero and retool them for the cosmos, who would you pick and how?

I'd pick Aquaman and have him exploring all the different interstellar aquatic life and weird sci-fi oceans, meeting and taking on the Ocean gods of different planets; maybe throw in a Lovecraftian Cthulhu/Elder God type baddie in the visage of Black Manta as his cosmic arch-nemesis. I wouldn't have to go straight to Arthur as the Cosmic Aquaman, it could be Kaldur or Garth or Tula or go all the way back and make Lorena Marquez or Carl Durham the Cosmic Aquaman.