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  1. #31
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    Dark Horse's Godzilla Vs. Hero-Zero

    When two friends go to the San Diego Comic Con, Godzilla suddenly appears. It's up to young David McRae to transform into Hero-Zero and try with all his might to drive Godzilla away in order to save his father and his friend... or die trying!

  2. #32
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    Godzilla In Hell #1

    Godzilla meets his greatest adversary of all time — the impossible tortures of Hell! Each issue of this special miniseries will see Godzilla enter a new level of the underworld to do battle with the impossible.

  3. #33
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    Godzilla In Hell #2

    Godzilla descends further into the pit! Godzilla navigates a city that can never be destroyed as demonic versions of his greatest foes wait for the perfect moment to strike!

  4. #34
    The Spirits of Vengeance K7P5V's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by GreenScar1990 View Post
    Dark Horse's Godzilla Color Special

    As part of a rescue mission, The G-Force team arrives on the remote island of Kiryoku-shima, whose people have rejected modern technology since World War II, to warn of Godzilla's impending arrival. A former G-Force member named Kogenta, who has been living on the island to research its people, greets them before they head to the meeting hall with their news. Rather than evacuate, the residents side with the priestess Ookii'Mune, who insists that the local god Gekido-jin will protect them.

    As they argue, Godzilla destroys the U.S. Navy forces meant to supervise the evacuation.
    Ookii'Mune gathers the islanders at the shrine of Gekido-jin while G-Force retrieves a dart gun from their craft as Godzilla walks onto the island. Ookii'Mune explains that while it is typically forbidden for non-islanders like Kogenta and G-Force to see the shrine, the state of emergency necessitates an exception before revealing that the statue is possessed by an Oni.

    Gekido-jin had lived on Kiryoku-Shima before the first humans had come from mainland Japan to settle it, and were constantly attacked by the spirit, which grew stronger with every defeat, until a monk sacrificed himself to Gekido-Jin to battle the Oni inside. While the spirits within Gekido-Jin are fighting the statue cannot move. Ookii'Mune then voices her intent to release the Monk's spirit by taking his place and allowing the Oni to have control of Gekido-Jin long enough for it to ward off Godzilla before taking up the eternal battle to keep the statue dormant.

    Before Kazushi Kagaku, the leader of G-Force can object, Godzilla made his way into the clearing. G-Force quickly prepares their biopsy dart that they fire into Godzilla's foot in hopes of obtaining some skin cells or nerve endings. However, as they prepare their weapon Ookii'Mune sneaks to the statue to begin the ritual, but is knocked unconscious by flying rocks that had been kicked up by Godzilla.

    With G-Force distracted by Ookii'Mune's injury, Kogenta offers himself to Gekido-jin before both he and the statue are flattened by Godzilla. Godzilla then blasts the surrounding cliff face with his Atomic Breath before Gekido-jin emerges from the rubble and strikes Godzilla with his hammer. Godzilla then destroys Gekido-jin, who begins to reform his body to be larger, but never gets a chance to attack again due to Godzilla's destroying him before he can fully re-form his body.

    G-Force then devises a plan to give Gekido-jin more time by using the biopsy dart, which is still in Godzilla's foot, and using Ookii'Mune's staff as a lightning rod, they channel electricity from the overhead storm to electrocute Godzilla. Gekido-jin then slams his hammer into Godzilla's face before slowly backing toward an ocean-facing cliff. Godzilla then charges Gekido-jin and tackles him off the cliff, and destroys him for the final time with his Atomic Breath.

    G-Force and Ookii'Mune pay their respects to Kogenta, who resumes control of Gekido-jin and reforms on the ocean floor, acknowledging that the battle is over because he got Godzilla off the island before taking up the ancient Monk's position and resuming battle with the Oni.

    Quote Originally Posted by GreenScar1990 View Post
    Dark Horse's Godzilla Vs. Hero-Zero

    When two friends go to the San Diego Comic Con, Godzilla suddenly appears. It's up to young David McRae to transform into Hero-Zero and try with all his might to drive Godzilla away in order to save his father and his friend... or die trying!

    Hell, yeah! Great recommendations. Both titles are in my collection.

  5. #35
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    Godzilla In Hell #3

    What brought Godzilla to Hell? A glimpse of Godzilla’s greatest battle gives clues—but what will happen when Godzilla faces a rematch with that same foe in the underworld?

  6. #36
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    Godzilla In Hell #4

    Godzilla's journey is stymied by an impenetrable wall of living flesh! Cornered, with nowhere to go, he is beset by devilish versions of his greatest foes—Destoroyah and King Ghidorah!

  7. #37
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    Godzilla In Hell #5

    Will Godzilla be able to find his way back to the living world? An unstoppable force unlike any he has seen bars his way!

  8. #38
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    Happy 65th Birthday, Godzilla!!!

  9. #39
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    Godzilla: Awakening

    In 1980 Tokyo, Ishiro Serizawa meets with his father who asked him to come urgently. Serizawa's father begins telling him about his job, the one he had kept secret from him. He begins his story in Hiroshima, on August 6, 1945, at 8:15 AM. After the atomic bombing of the city, Serizawa went looking for his wife and newborn son but only found his son. After finding him, he sees a creature in the air, "summoned by our own monstrosity," who flies away, with something in the water observing. Serizawa left off Ishiro with his grandparents for his safety and continued working in the Japanese Navy. One year later, he and his fellow sailors are sent to provide aid to an American vessel that sent a distress call from a nearby island. After finding one of the American men, the sailors find the wrecked ship deep inland and are attacked by the Shinomura. They go inside the ship to rescue the men trapped inside but the Shinomura throws the ship down at the sea, sinking it. No one but Serizawa and the one American they rescued, named Shaw, survives. Shaw, impressed with Serizawa surviving, offers Serizawa go work for the U.S. government, which Serizawa accepts as Godzilla looks on at the Shinomura flying away.

    Later, Serizawa becomes part of the first Japanese-American military unit since Japan's surrender in World War II: Monarch. General MacArthur explains that the job of the Monarch unit is to kill the Massive Unidentified Terrestrial Organisms in secrecy to avoid world-wide panic. Shinomura attacks places all around the Pacific Ocean each year following, starting with Russia and the Philippines in 1946, Western Australia in 1947, Moansta Island in 1948, New Zealand in 1949, Yap in 1950, and Guam in 1950. Every time Shinomura attacked, eye-witnesses reported both it and a giant crocodile-like creature that chased the Shinomura away. Serizawa believes that the monster, which one of Guam's people calls "Gojira," a combination of the Japanese words for gorilla and whale, actually exists, while the rest of his team doesn't. Serizawa gets some people to go down in the ocean and to find Gojira using the first nuclear submarine, the U.S.S. Nautilus, but after weeks of searching, Gojira isn't found.

    Three years later in 1953, Serizawa is playing with his son Ishiro, as Shaw comes and tells Ishiro he has to take his father for "shipping company business." At Monarch headquarters, Serizawa meets with Doctor Zamalek, who shows him and others a giant cell discovered in the Philippines from the Shinomura. Doctor Zamalek then exposes it to a beam that makes it grow, but it is set on fire and presumably killed. Serizawa comes up with the name shi no mure for the super-organism, and Zamalek claims that they don't understand why it hasn't taken over the world yet, which Serizawa answers to with Gojira. Serizawa points to depictions of Gojira throughout history and believes he is from a time when the Earth was ten times more radioactive than today. 250 million years ago, a Shinomura unknowingly landed near Gojira and gets blasted by his atomic breath and sent down a cliff just as a meteor hits the Earth, diminishing atmospheric radioactivity forever, and forcing large creatures that fed on radiation like Gojira down closer to the Earth's core. Shinomura and Gojira were awakened with the atomic bombing of Hiroshima, the radiation it released. Every time Shinomura attacked, Gojira drove it away. Serizawa wants to find Gojira and let him fight the Shinomura, but no one believes Gojira exists.

    Serizawa goes back with his son who put an injured sea star in his fish tank. Ishiro explains to his father that sea stars can regenerate, even an entire body if they need to, just as the "dead" Shinomura cell at Monarch HQ regenerates. Ishiro and Serizawa hear a sound but Serizawa assures Ishiro it's probably just the wind as the Shinomura flies past the window. Monarch headquarters has been destroyed. Serizawa is back there with Shaw, who believed the Shinomura was destroyed, but Serizawa explained that even with microscopic remnants it can regenerate. Serizawa asks to find Gojira, which Shaw allows but lets him know that he will be alone at sea looking for Gojira. Serizawa says goodbye to his son and goes out to live in the ocean alone on a ship, looking for Godzilla.

    A year later, in March of 1954, both Shinomura combine into one on Monsta Island as Godzilla rises from the ocean and engages it in battle. A boy sees them and tells Papa Brava, who notifies "the monster man", Serizawa, who in turn alerts Shaw and Monarch. Godzilla and Shinomura's battle rages on, setting a section of the island aflame as Serizawa reaches the island. Godzilla separates the two Shinomura with his atomic breath and kills one with another blast. As Navy ships arrive, the other Shinomura escapes, which only Serizawa sees, and Godzilla follows, having been seen by Monarch and therefore now proven to exist.
    The next day, the Shinomura carcass is found and shown to Serizawa, who says he saw one fly away. Days later, the military decide to intercept Gojira in Bikini Atoll. Serizawa insists on letting Godzilla kill the other Shinomura and let him return to where he came from, but they say it's too risky. Just then, General MacArthur arrives on a helicopter and gives them permission to nuke the MUTO. Serizawa stops MacArthur, saying he has some concerns, and MacArthur says that he knows he does--that he's thought of the bombing of Hiroshima every day since 1945, but he also spent those years working to build a modern world which he'd kill to protect. At Bikini Atoll, Serizawa convinces the natives to leave. Later on, the Castle Bravo "test" is conducted, killing the Shinomura and presumably Gojira, but Serizawa assures Ishiro that he's still alive as he finishes his story. A year passes and Serizawa passes away and is buried in the Yanaka Cemetery. After the burial is over, Ishiro is approached by Shaw, and Ishiro, knowing the truth, tells Shaw that he's ready to join Monarch, but Shaw claims that he's not sure "anyone's ready for what's coming."

  10. #40
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    Is there a continuity in the various Godzilla books? Or can I read them in no particular order?

  11. #41
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    Quote Originally Posted by DanMad1977 View Post
    Is there a continuity in the various Godzilla books? Or can I read them in no particular order?
    There's several ongoings and various mini-series.

    Dark Horse's Godzilla: King of the Monsters run can be read by itself and is in it's own continuity. Likewise, Marvel Comics' Godzilla: King of the Monsters is also in it's own continuity and can be read by itself. The same goes for Godzilla: Rulers of Earth, which was connected to the previous series Godzilla: History's Greatest Monster run but it's not really necessary reading if you want to dive in to G:RoE.

    Mini-series like Godzilla In Hell, Godzilla: Rage Across Time, Godzilla: Cataclysm, and Godzilla: Legends are each in their own continuity and can be enjoyed in and of themselves.

    Godzilla: Awakening and Godzilla: Aftershock are connected to the MonsterVerse films, prequel/sequel to the film Godzilla (2014), just as Skull Island: The Birth of Kong (which is in my opinion the best of the three Monsterverse graphic novels) acts as a prequel and sequel to Kong: Skull Island (2017).

    I hope this helps you out a bit.

  12. #42
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    GODZILLA VS. KONG - Graphic Novels

  13. #43
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    Last edited by GreenScar1990; 05-21-2020 at 12:46 AM.

  14. #44
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  15. #45
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