Rooselvelt Franklin (70's Sesame Street) : Inner-city school kid whose antics proved a bit much for "the man" and was dropped from the show. Perhaps a show for slightly older kids
a-la-Fat Albert would be cool. Franklin, his friends and teachers could learn and teach some things about African-American history/culture, respect and getting along with people.
Youtube "Rooselvelt Franklin just because" to hear a sweet little song about saying NO to racism and violence that is maybe more relevant NOW than ever before...

Villians from Sailor Moon Super : Employees of the evil forces who work in a dinky little office with outdated faxes, computers and a crappy company car. They keep trying and trying to send new monsters to fight the sailor scouts and are defeated each time. With each defeat their budget is shrunk, leading to more problems in their professional and personal lives...

and YOURS?