isn't that a double standard or a breaking of Dan Didio's "no older protege sidekicks alongside main hero's" rule? Dick Grayson makes Batman look old but this doesn't? How about having a son (Damian)? The argument has a bunch of holes in it and is stupid. Seeing an older DG fight alongside Batman makes both of them look cool, as I'm sure others agree. But no, Roy makes GA look old so lets kill him(but hey he's back in Flash Forward at least). Dick? Well, lets shoot him in the head and call him Ric. Since I can't kill him, I'll erase his memories. And Garth? Oh yeah give Aquaman amnesia too so he doesn't remember. Oh and who's the culprit? Wally West another "older protege". But Tim Drake and a new name and costume? Perfectly fine. Fact is fans like myself want to read both the main hero and the protege and what's wrong with that? Didio can't stop what fans want and there are writers at DC who love these characters too.