No character has a set limit on their abilities, I don't see why Superman should. The last character who really had that problem that I recall was Wally West being stuck around the sound barrier, and even then, it was subconsciously self-imposed. If his powers are a problem for you, quite frankly, I don't think you'll be a long-time fan of Superman. Everything in his universe is simply on another level and if you nerf him then all that you do is make his stories into a poor man's Dragon Ball.

Goku and friends follow the usual routine of "baddie shows up, supporting character who is stronger than Goku takes them on and gets wrecked, Goku trains and eventually overcomes." Superman's gimmick is more that he's at a specific level and has to use his skills to overcome. That's the paradigm. Sometimes he needs to dig deep and pull an extra gear to ratchet up to, but overall that's the usual approach. He hasn't been a planet mover since the Silver Age anyway. Recently he took multiple sun dips and was able to one-punch the Anti-Monitor's brother into a knockdown. That's some feat, but he's not pulling a galaxy on a chain like he used to. I like where we're out with his power set.