Quote Originally Posted by Vordan View Post
I’m of the belief that part of the reason Batman has done so well is he has basically an unbroken line of writers from O’Neil to now building on each other. Heck more recently you’ve got Morrison drawing from everyone, Snyder building on Morrison, and King building on both of them. You might not personally enjoy what each writer is or has done but they’ve have all enjoyed various degrees of success. How can anyone ever build up Diana and her cast, and her rogues if each writer trashes everything that came before? The answer is you can’t.
It's not always the writers fault. I remember several writers stating in interviews that they were specifically told to ignore what came before. (I seem to recall Gail Simone talking a good bit about this during her tenure.)
So it as much is up to the editors to let the writers build on what came before and not burn the house down each time.