Quote Originally Posted by lemonpeace View Post
i wouldn't even say it's necessarily an issue of being associated with Batman, more so the characters end up becoming too dependant on Batman as the means to justify their existence. characters like Duke, Harper, Batwing, Azrael, etc often are relagated to these positions where they mainly only exist to be next to batman despite having the potential to offer something to worth reading as their own characters. Duke is a perfect example of this, when digging into the character, everything about his character for a majority of his existence is supposed to differentiate him from Batman and the wider Bat-membership but he's largely treated as yet another bat-roadie, from his suit designs to his appearances in books since gaining his hero identity.

on topic, black batman could be cool or could be nothing, but either way wasn't worth the report (if they actually are doing it) this early out.
I dunno. I don't think there's the intention that these characters have to exist next to Batman beyond the fact that sometimes that's the only way they can get any panel-time.

And it's pretty much a given that someone associated with the Batfamily would wear bat-iconography and appear in Batman-related books.