Quote Originally Posted by Omega_DCD View Post
Jean is venting some of her feelings and frustrations...Logan doesn't say anything, he looks almost as if he's studying her, before interjecting with what she's saying needs(intimacy), then says it won't work between them
He certainly does say something. He tells her that she and Scott belong together. That they always have. The quote was something like, couple of dudley do rights looking to save the world from whatever threatens it this week. I've mused multiple times over that quote over the years. Like, pretty good description, Grant. Too bad you didn't write them that way.

Jean is in severe emotional pain. She has been shut out physically and emotionally for 5 months. One of the last things she says is, and I'd just wish he'd hold me the way he used. So, L.ogan after first telling her that she belongs with Scott, then intiated a kiss, then broke it off saying it would never work between them? LOL, sorry, I don't think so.

I certainly don't claim to know Morrison's intention. Again, we'd need to see the plot, ask the artist or ask Morrison. I'll still give you odds on what the answer will be.

A preemptive kiss, even if the initiator of the kiss then walks away, happens in media. Sometimes played for comedy, or the initiator using the kiss to be cruel("a taste of what you'll never have again"), etc. It's even done to shut someone up...which is almost how that kiss was, but more so instead to "cut to the chase", that despite what she's going through, he cant help her with that (and he already told Scott, he has to tend to his own lawn)
I don't recall seeing it before. But if it's been done before that it would certainly seem possible. I'll believe it in this case when someone provides some evidence.

BTW, while I would never be for a mutual Jogan kiss, IF you are going to insist on one I found this about as palatable as you could do it. The scene is not about Jean's feelings for Logan. The entire scene is about Scott and the pain and confusion she's in.

There is none of this retroactive bullshit that fill the Scott/Emma conversations. Jean's feelings for Scott have not changed one iota. She loves him as she has always loved him. She describes him as like a different person. She hardly recognizes him. Scott has come back completely different.

Another if. IF you insist on breaking Jott up, that's how it should have been done. No going backwards. Scott has come back so different that Jott no longer work. Of course I wouldn't be for that, but I would acknowledge it as at least plausible. Trying to tell me that the marriage was fake and going through the motions makes it a full stop. It's just nonsense and the books post marriage showed that. Morrison should have stuck with the NXM 117 approach. Well, certainly wouldn't want multiple repeats of Jogan kisses. But one kiss, in the context that it was presented, I could live with.