For those unaware with the term, political correctness, at least in as so far as I've come to understand it until I find a better definition, means:

"the avoidance, often considered as taken to extremes, of forms of expression or action that are perceived to exclude, marginalize, or insult groups of people who are socially disadvantaged or discriminated against."

And based on that, I conclude that political correctness comes from a place of good intent, but what I think is more difficult, especially on a public website on the internet, to discern in regards to a person criticizing political correctness to begin with is what kind of intention said person has. While it's certainly possible to have bad intent when making a criticism (not that specific examples of such cases necessarily need to be emphasized here), I think that it's also possible to have good intent when making a criticism, as I'm sure can be the case for virtually anything that can be inserted into a comic book, including political correctness.

So, assuming everyone for the time being reading this post has good intent when approaching the topic of political correctness, at least until proven otherwise, and with me being inspired to ask this question based on the discussions of political correctness I've been seeing as of late, I ask all of you here when you've felt political correctness in comics has been done well, because I think it can potentially result in some really interesting discussions.