Quote Originally Posted by Killerbee911 View Post
You can also see Laura feeling more human than ever before.There is no reason for her to question her existence anymore in the face what is going on in Krakoa.

Also death in comics never meant anything especially recently so this turn is pretty fine. It will go away at some point and death will be more meaningful
But Laura hasn't really questioned hee existence in a while. She learned that she had a soul, she had friends who loved her, and she had blood relatives who love her.

She's a functional person who can have a life outside of the X-Men, something even Logan can't really claim.

If anything, I think this whole thing will make her question her loyalty to the X-Men, though I don't think it will happen right away. I think she's going to try and be happy and accept what's happening, but then something will happen that will make her realize how wrong everything is.