They are some of my favroite movies but surprised we dont have more films based on Greek myths. Though to be fair there is alot and I'm probaky just greedy.

Watching Ad Astra makes me ask wtf happened to the Jason and the Argonauts in space film that Brad Pitt was attached to a few years back.? Honestly though there was a game I played as a kid on my Xbox about Jason and the Argonauts but It was a version where Instead of Achillies Dad , Achillies joins the argonauts as well as Pan. But I can see that working Rise of the Argonauts and you have a bunch of famous Greek heroes in one movie. Most people dont even know Dinseys hercules isnt accurate so I doubt they would have issue with throwing the likes of Perseus , Odyessues, Leonidas or whoever in one movie. I dont remember the plot of the game so I wouldnt go based off that except the idea of adding people like Achilles and Pan to the movie to make it more fantastical.

Anyone got any twist on a Greek myth they think could make a good movie?