Personally i think this is leading up to a universe wide event. First you got incoming, which to me says something is on the way. Then in Marvel Previews you got that guy in the mask with the spider sense who gets stronger the closer he gets to a stronger threat.

Now add that to the fact that Earth would have to atleast become a titan and collapse on itself to even be noticeable to these higher robotic beams. Now we have other marvel books mentioning Orichis, now what if we thought humans were trying to cull the mutant population with Orichis because the hate mutants but in fact they have information about this higher plane and have been trying to stop Earth and the surrounding galaxies from collapsing on itself because of the potential for the unity of mutants. Which is actually what is happening in HOX and POX as they become a collective. Seeing it in a thread outside of the X-men boards makes me think this. Who would have that information? What if somebody found out? That person would surely be killed. Incoming.

The X-men are basically leading the entire marvel universe into a showdown with god like A.I. And if it goes this way i am so here for it.