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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Apr 2014

    Default X-men Fall of the Mutants treatment/Synopsis introducing the mutants to the MCU


    I wrote a synopsis/treatment for the MCU X-films.
    Forgot to post it.

    X-men: Fall of the Mutants.

    The film opens 5 years Pre-Snap, with Storm and Sophie arriving at a hospital to gather the child about to be born from the parents. Sophie has made previous Telepathic contact with the parents with detailed knowledge of what their intent was, and how they would take the child with them to live on the island of Krakoa. Where they could grow in peace and not be subject to the whims of humanity.

    As they make their way up to the room, the scene shifts to Nurses and others rushing to the TV. A ship appears over New York, and people once again think the city is under Alien Invasion. Storm tells Sophie to calm the staff so they have no issues with the child.

    The scene shifts to Krakoa, home of the hidden mutants on the planet. In a plant-based chair, Destiny is sitting and begins to thrash about. The end of their Hidden status is about to come to an end. Charles Xavier, and Jean Grey link with her to see a vision of the future. They see the battle for the Gauntlet in Wakanda and witness the vanishing of half the population. Among which will be several of the Technopaths that keep the Nation hidden from the worlds Satellites and detection systems.

    They witness the snap.

    Xavier sends a Telepathic message to the X-men on away missions and the mutants of Krakoa. They are about to be forcibly reconnected to the world while the rest of them will... With that, he vanishes. Destiny vanishes... Jean tries to scan the island. Mutants the island over vanish, Including Nightcrawler, Sage, Cyclops, Forge, and others.

    At the hospital Storm and Sophie notice people beginning to vanish. The child has just been born and as they enter the room the people within are in shock as they vanish one by one. The Doctor begins to pass the child to the mother as he vanishes. Storm catches the baby with a swirling wind as the parents also vanish. She turns to ask Sophie to contact the others, but she too is gone.

    Cut to Wakanda as Thor and the others look on in confusion and silence as Thanos teleports away. Warmachine turns away and tries to contact the government and gets nothing. The states are in chaos. As a military officer, he informs the others that he has to leave and find out what's going on stateside.

    The remaining X-men waste no time in trying to save as many people as they can. They leave Krakoa in order to help save lives even at the risk of their own discovery. They use the cover of simply being a team of enhanced individuals if they are questioned by any remaining government or law enforcement forces.

    A month later, the chaos tide is stemming somewhat, and the X-men have been given minor First responder legal status by the government since the Avengers and other heroes have either vanished or their ranks thinned by the blip. During this time a rogue English Geneticist has watched the world fall to pieces and his plans with them.

    Nathaniel Essex has wanted to help humanity evolve past its constraints for decades. But the Blip hs terrified even him as no one currently knows what will happen next. He decides he can no longer wait. He will increase his Genetic Library of humanity in all its forms.
    He intends to begin with the enhanced.

    5 years later Nathaniel Essex is now going by the moniker Sinister, simply because of those who would discover his lofty goals and methods as Sinister in nature as he actively kidnaps and experiments on humans and enhanced alike. He has created a team of his own, and in the process discovered the X-gene. The gene fascinates him and he intends to explore it further and he knows it has the potential to change humanity. But he needs a large sample size.

    Meanwhile, the X-men have been responding to hotspots around North America. They have a loose association now with the government because they refuse to sign the accords. They also refuse access to the Island that has reappeared from 5 years hence. When attempting to be questioned, they always leave via Teleportation via plant.

    Thunderbolt Ross tasks the remaining Avengers to go to the Island and bring in the leaders of the X-men for a chat. James Rhodes tells him that even with the remaining Avengers, there are just too many hotspots around the world and too few heroes to help and to leave the X-men alone.

    Intrigued by the X-men and this Island that they are from Sinister and his team come to America and sign the accords. They offer their services to the government with a contract that stipulates that Sinister can use his own methods, and has access to the best labs they can offer. Ross agrees and asks if they have a name for their little group. Sinister calls them the Marauders. Ross thinks Thunderbolts sounds better.

    Within the week the Marauders set up many false hotspots to get the attention of the X-men due to Ross' frustration. In their first encounter, the X-men are ambushed but manage to escape with injury to Colossus. Trinary uses her abilities to research their foes coming up blank. Jean and Storm work out a plan to send agents to monitor areas where enhanced people seem to appear the most.

    During one outing the Marauders send in a few members to cause issues that will bring in the X-men. Jean contacts Ross mentally and asks why he has become such a hardliner about the X-men signing the accords. He tells her that with the world in chaos, the US must have the upper hand in the new arms race and that the X-men came from nowhere and seem to be a bastion of enhanced individuals. Jean tells them they aren't enhanced, they are mutants, the next stage in human evolution. Ross tells her all the more reason for them to serve their country.

    The Marauders are then ordered to bring in the X-men. Jean vows that she will fight when all she wanted was to help.
    Jean knows that Krakoa can defend itself, but it must not be seen as a threat to the world if it is to exist in it. That no matter what happens, it is to hide the Non-combatants and not to harm those who come, to allow them entry to itself. Krakoa agrees.

    Within the day the Marauders launch their attack and the X-men begin to triumph as Sinister reveals his own enhanced nature, turning stark white, and a uniform made of seeming nanotechnology appears upon him. The Marauders recover as Sinister launches his assault anew. The X-men begin to falter when the snap is undone and the mutants that vanished return. With a quick mental update, the fighting is renewed and the X-men triumph. As sinister falls he reveals his scheme.

    With a portable viewing device, he shows the X-men his contingency. This Sinister is not the real one, but a clone. He then reveals that he and the real Marauders are safe in their base of operations and that the X-men have just become target number one. By implanting various gene seeds throughout the world, and altering the genome of pregnant women, he has placed the slightest hint of X-gene into the world. To not birth humanities replacement, but to ensure its survival. But those to come must know strife, to grow stronger and more powerful. Thus he has informed the world that the X-men has secretly attempted to rebuild mutant-kind, by using humans as chattel to increase their population and supplant the humans.

    Xavier turns to the assembled mutants. He tells them, this is why we trained, we knew we could not hide forever, that our past persecution could not be hidden forever by Telepathy and Technopathy. We have to earn our right to exist, because the Mutant species will never fall, but rise to face all challenges.
    Film ends.
    Post Credits 1: Xavier goes into a hidden room in the belly of Krakoa, he puts on Cerebro and turns on a monitor. In the monitor is the face of En Sabbah Nur. He responds with "Welcome home Charles, It has begun."
    Last edited by Tazirai; 09-29-2019 at 12:53 AM.

  2. #2
    Extraordinary Member BroHomo's Avatar
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    May 2014
    Da Souf


    Hey sounds pretty good. Especially the idea Mutants have been secluded on Krakoa throughout the MCU

  3. #3


    I like the idea of them starting out hidden on Krakoa too, it's a nice setup and lets them start fresh with the X-Men. They can even revisit past events through flashback and explain why the mutants went into hiding in the first place.
    We are MUTANT..Krakoa, FOREVER!!! “Liberté, Égalité, Fraternité”

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Apr 2014


    A guy on Facebook mentioned he likes the changes, but Instead of Apocalypse, Namor would be good also.

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