I always wanted to see this as a movie. I can imagine the trailer playing before a film: A dead human body laying on some kind of high tech medical bay. Suddenly it's stomach explodes (startling the audience) and a baby Xenomorph slowly rises up, doing it's famous growl. However, the creature jolts, hesitates, and starts to scream...as the stomach it just burst forth from becomes a hungry slobber mouth of teeth! The alien is eaten and the stomach mouth smiles.

Anyway, for my battle situation: It's taking place in the antarctic compound. Some space marines have been sent to check the old place out (takes place in Aliens future time). They find a man frozen in ice, thaw him out...and are startled to see he's still alive (and secretly the Thing)! The site is not far from where the xenomorphs were during the events of Aliens vs. Predator and they somehow survived and formed a hive. As the marines try to fight the aliens, the Thing tries to just kill everybody.

So...can the Thing take out a single Xenomorph? Can it take a queen? Can the Thing infect a Xenomorph and take its form? Or the queen's? If it can take the form of a Xenomorph, can it fool the others as it can when it takes human form among humans?