First off let me say hello and glad to join everybody.

Sooooo. Recently I have become infatuated with Namor for some reason and decided to get into a few of his graphic novels. With that said Im curious if anyone has had an issue reading either of these volumes? They were entertaining but they seemed to jump quickly throughout the story and it becomes annoying at times. As for Namor he really is a hard character to like. Very arrogant and self righteous but still pretty cool so far. Normally when I get into my comic book modes ill normally pick a couple characters and dive into their backgrounds. For example last year was Bullseye and now this year its becoming Namor and MoonKnight. But yah just curios? Also if there are any other Namor issues to pick up please let me know. I want whatever I can get. Also is their a Volume 3 after Namor Goes To Hell?

Thank you guys and again glad to join every one.