Everyone's bitching about the original League roster but y'know what? I dont care. Yeah, they were all white dudes. I don't need DC to retcon that. Don't tell me Cyborg was there when I have the comics and memories to prove that wrong.

I don't care about the past nearly as much as I do the now. Yeah, the League founders are white dudes (and one badass woman). Fine, whatever, let's move on. Instead of trying to paint over a past (which won't work) how about we just put PoC in the League now and focus on telling good, inclusive stories today rather than fretting endlessly over a history that we can't change. And no matter what DC does or says, they can't change it either. They can say Vic or Vixen or Dr. Light (hero) or who the hell ever were League founders. It's a lie, and all of us will never forget that it's a lie. So just put some good PoC on the roster now, use them correctly, and focus on making tomorrow better than yesterday was.