Quote Originally Posted by JackDaw View Post
By constantly making fun of him..(and incidentally I’d also be doubting his physical courage...as he most likely dodged military service and asking him where the wall is to establish the point he’s a blatant liar)..you increase the chances of him completely losing it in televised debates...and generally looking like a twerp.

It’s not the safest tactic. But everybody on these boards (much to my amazement) regards him as favourite to win whoever wins the Democratic nomination...so it’s maybe not the right time to play safe.
I think a professional take down in that vein how Warren handled the entire stage is right on. She didn't get into name calling she just used actual facts and actual words and actions Bloomberg has taken in his career to great success in terms of taking the wind out of his sails metaphorically speaking.

There is plenty of ammunition to use but trump is bulletproof in that way.

He can stand up there and lie on the spot about verifiable truths and nothing will happen to him in terms of his voters. We all know he lies a lot. He lies about what he said and did and he will lie about what Democrats say and want. The voters you need to do something about it and vote him out already know.

Nothing anyone says on a debate stage against him is going to move his supporters